Merry Christmas! Today we celebrate a Savior being born for all of us. No matter what brought you to church, remember that the baby Jesus was born to save us from our sins. What we celebrate today reminds us that God will do anything for us to have hope, and to be with him in heaven. Your presence today affirms your commitment to that hope and desire to be a part of God’s plan.
St. Mary’s is a place where you are always welcome to journey in hope as a part of God’s plan. No matter what is going on in your life, you are always welcome to encounter Jesus here, to journey in hope, and to get the assistance you need on your life’s journey to heaven. If you’ve been away for any reason, consider this your invitation to come home. If we understand that the ‘Word was made flesh, and dwells among us’, then coming here to encounter that Word, that Savior should be a part of our weekly routine.
As part of your Christmas, please use the following prayer service as a way to gather your family around the tree to celebrate what is most important before opening the presents.
Merry Christmas and Keep Smiling,
Fr. Bryan and Fr. Luke
Family Christmas Prayer Service
The eldest member of the family should lead the prayer. Turn the Christmas lights off on the tree before you start. As everyone says ‘And dwells among us’ you should turn the lights on the Christmas tree. You could also use a candle and light a special candle instead if that is more convenient. The baby Jesus should be given to a family member to place in the manger as part of the prayer.
Leader: In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen
Leaders: The Word was made flesh.
All: And dwells among us! (say it as loud as you can)
The youngest member of the family should choose a Christmas carol (something to do with the birth of Jesus) that the family can sing together. Examples: Silent Night, Away in a Manger, Joy to the World
After the song, have a middle-aged member of the family read the following scripture passage from the family bible: Luke 2: 1 – 20
After the conclusion of the scripture invite a member of the family to place the infant Jesus in the manger.
Closing prayer
Leader: O God, who wonderfully created the dignity of human nature and still more wonderfully restored it, grant, we pray, that we may share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever.
All: Amen