person addressing catechists

The Directors of Faith Formation in our ACRCC invited all of our Catechists to an evening in honor of their dedication to this important vocation as a teacher of our faith on June 5th.

people at table

Our gathering began with 5:30pm Mass at St. Teresa’s. During Mass, Fr. Art lead a blessing upon the Catechists. After Mass, Christina Egleston, our ACRCC Director of Catholic Education, was able to express appreciation for the time, talent, and treasure each teacher gives so generously.

Christina Jill

Everyone headed into the parish center for dinner and conversation. We had the privilege of having Beth Ann VanHorn as our guest speaker. Beth Ann focused her talk on the impact each Catechist has on the children and families they teach as it pertains to our theme in the coming formation year, the Catholic Mass.

people at table
Our entire Faith Family is grateful to our dedicated catechists! Thank you!!

people at table people at table