Adult Faith Sharing Groups and Prayer Ministries
Faith sharing groups are open to anyone who would like to deepen their prayer life, relate Scripture to their lives and discuss their faith in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. There are many groups/times offered throughout the month. All are welcome to join in! Call the contact and phone number listed for each group for more information!
Blue Army First Saturday Rosary
This group meets the first Saturday of the month after 9 a.m. Mass in the church to pray the rosary and meditate on the mysteries. Join us at any time, no need to register with ministry. Click on this link for a complete description of this devotion: First Five Saturdays Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Should you have any questions, please Send an email to Hope Chavanne or (716) 633-9525.
Catholic Apologetics at St. Mary’s
The purpose of the Catholic Apologetics group is to help one another learn to explain and defend the teachings, beliefs, and practices of the Catholic Church, to remove objections, shed light on difficult or misunderstood matters, and ultimately help win minds and souls for Jesus Christ.
Meetings are held on the second Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 PM.
For more information, please contact Annette Pfentner at (716) 465-8558.
Cenacle of Divine Mercy
The Divine Mercy Cenacle is named for the upper room where Jesus met with His disciples for the Last Supper. Just as the disciples sat with Jesus in that upper room, participants in the cenacle will listen to Jesus through Scripture, the Catechism, the diary of St. Faustina, and prayer. The Divine Mercy Cenacle of St. Mary’s explores the writings of St. Faustina and focuses on the message of the Divine Mercy. The group meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month, from 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in the parish center.
If interested in learning more about this ministry, please
Send an email to Alberta Stachura or
Send an email to Gloria Staveski

Daughters of Mary is a women's ministry for all ages and stages...18 to 108! Just as Ruth and Naomi journeyed together in the Bible, we support and encourage each other in living out our Catholic faith. Our ministry is dedicated to honoring Mary, while growing in relationship with her Son, Jesus. Want to stay in the loop? Join our email list by calling Elizabeth Forman at (716) 691-6554 or drop a note to This is a great opportunity to invite a friend along to experience the warm fellowship of St. Mary's.
Men’s Saturday Morning Prayer Group
This group meets the 2nd Saturday of the month 7-9am in Room 105 of the Parish Center. The group spends time discussing the weekend scripture readings and shares fellowship. All are welcome. About 10 men are currently involved with the group.
Contact: Deacon Rick Stachura at 716-698-3182.
Men’s Third Thursday Faith Sharing Group
Men gather on the third Thursday of each month for food, fellowship, and faith sharing. They take turns making a meal for their brothers in Christ, read from Scripture, and share their reflections on the Scripture passage. New members are welcome to join with the men in St. Mary's cafeteria on 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM.
Contact: Greg Honsberger at
Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrimage Statue
People are invited to host the statue in their home for one week. Our Lady of Fatima appeared to St. Jacinta, St. Francesco, and St. Lucia in 1917 in Portugal. This statue has been in our parish for for more than forty years with The Blue Army. The only requirement is that the rosary is prayed daily in the home.
If interested in having the statue in your home, please contact Hope Chavanne by phone at 633-9535, text at 726-479-5043 or send an email if you have any questions
Wednesday Evening Rosary
Wednesday Evening Rosary is a weekly devotion to the Blessed Mother prayed every Wednesday evening from 7 - 8pm in the Chapel. We pray the Rosary in community with others, pray for peace, and bring our own personal intentions to Jesus through Mary.
Families are welcome.
Women's Scripture Sharing and Prayer Group
This group meets every Tuesday from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Each session begins with socializing and sharing prayer intentions, followed by a focused study of scripture, and concludes with the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
The next session beginning on January 7th will be led by Christine Fletcher, exploring the Book of Colossians.