Christmas Giving Tree

Christmas Giving Tree

For over 25 years, St. Mary's has supported the Christmas Giving Tree for the many men, women and children in our area that desperately need our prayers and thoughtful assistance.  The spirit of giving and helping those in need are intricate parts of our Church community.  St. Mary's Families and 15 charitable organizations have been helped in the past. 

Ornaments will be available on the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving - both online at St. Mary's website through Sign-up Genius and on the Giving Trees in the foyer of the Church.

Please follow the instructions on the front and back of the ornament and return your unwrapped gift in a holiday bag (under the Giving Tree).  We have committed to delivering a gift to every one of the individuals on the giving tree. Please make sure to return a gift if you take an ornament.

Contact KC Kappel @ 716-308-5494 or email with any questions or if you know of a family or child in need.

“WARMING TREE” - When all of the ornaments are off our GIVING TREE, it’s time to start bringing in WARM hats, mittens, and scarves to place on the tree. These will also be distributed to those in need.