Respect Life Ministry
Mission Statement
The St. Mary’s Swormville Respect Life Ministry seeks to visibly promote the sacredness of all human life, from conception to natural death, affirming that all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God. We will courageously and unashamedly take a stand for all life, especially the most vulnerable among us: the unborn, the disabled, the elderly and the terminally ill.
We will work to bring a conversion of minds and hearts.
We will support those in crisis.
We will educate people about life issues.
We will challenge legislation that opposes the sacredness of life.
End of Life Issues
A Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decision making, explaining Catholic teaching and including a blank Health Care Proxy Form.
Assisted Suicide
New York State Catholic Conference Brief on Physician Assisted Suicide.
New York State Catholic “Fatal Flaws in Assisted Suicide Legislation”, A more in-depth discussion.
If interested in learning more about this ministry, please contact:
Mark Zima, Ministry Chair
Phone: 716-741-7030
Send an email to Mark Zima