Breakthrough Youth Nights (grades 6-12)

Breakthrough Youth Nights (Middle School through Confirmation)

An opportunity for Middle School through High School teens to grow in faith through games, interactive activities, prayer, food and conversation. 

  • Join us to strengthen your faith and build a connection between scripture and living our faith.  This is a great opportunity to get to know other teens that are in our parish and community.

  • Meetings will be alternating Fridays and Mondays. Check the board inside the parish center for meeting locations.

Recent Confirmation candidates are invited to join us to help set up and implement Breakthrough Youth Nights throughout the year. We feel this would be a great opportunity for young people to continue to be involved in our parish and to make connections with other young people in our parish to serve as role models for them. Volunteers can sign up to help with as many nights as they’d like. Volunteering for one does not require volunteering for all.

Contact St Mary’s Youth Ministry for further details or with question: (716) 688-0599