Three new "hires" graced the SMS office today. Henry Valentine (grade 3), Grayson Valentine (grade 5), and Noah Valentine (grade 6), were the proud winners of the "Principal for a Day" auction item. The Valentine family bid on and won this experience for their students at last year's "Spring for Success" Auction Gala, which celebrates St. Mary's Parish and helps support St. Mary School.
Henry, Grayson and Noah got right to work this morning, handing out a few lunch detentions to tardy classmates who walked in the door after the first bell, and hopping on a conference call with fellow Diocesan Principals and Dr. Timothy Uhl, the Superintendent of Catholic Schools, (who they even received a wave from during the call). They enjoyed breakfast from Tim Horton's in Mrs. D'Angelo's office, and then set out around to visit the classrooms.
They spoke to all the teachers to be sure that their clocks had been reset since Daylight Savings Time has ended, and to see which teachers may be in need of new clocks or would like a "learning clock" in their room.
After that they took a count of the number of boys vs. girls in each classroom ( and discovered SMS has more girls than boys on the whole), and even met with Mr. Don to resolve a maintenance issue in the girls' upstairs lavatory.
The boys ended their day by leading the school in prayer at afternoon announcements with a Hail Mary. It was all in a day's work for our three new principals who did a stellar job, and we thank them for their efforts today! We also thank Mr. & Mrs. Valentine for bidding on this experience for their sons!