SMTM winners

The winners of our St. Mary School Home School Association's "Snow Me the Money" Cash Raffle were announced last Sunday at 1 pm as the grand finale to our Open House and HSA Donut Sunday! The drawing was broadcast live via Facebook, click here to see it!

The winners are as follows.... drum roll please....

$10,000: Jim & Beth Hitro

$2,500: Chris Long, MaryBeth & Jeff Herberger

$1,000: Peter Henderson, Jacob Chavanne, Doreen Kratzer

$750: Aleasa Foust, Leah & Ryan Mills, Jason Przybsz, Deborah Roehm,

$500: Pat Kluczynski, Caroline Costello, Joe & Charity Burgio, David Vaillancourt, Janet Stellrecht

Congratulations to all of our winners, and thank you to everyone who purchased tickets, sold tickets to friends & family, or volunteered to help run this endeavor- without you this annual fundraiser would not be a success!

If you are a winner, the St. Mary's Parish Business Office will be in touch to send you your check.