Dear Parish Family,
Well, the first week (and two weekends) are in the books. For some of us changes have already come and for others change is on the horizon. It is that horizon which I would like to reflect upon.
Our Road to Renewal pillars are forming and the required pillar training took place Monday, July 10th. If you are wondering what a pillar is, I would encourage you to go to the Road to Renewal website ( This website has a lot of information for you to read and watch about the Road to Renewal. It also has a section for you to ask questions and give feedback. Please look at this website so you can understand why these changes are happening, what changes are happening, and how you can be a part of these changes.
The people on the pillars were chosen by the previous pastors, in consultation with parish councils and leadership groups. The people chosen for this task are literally the pillars of our communities.
While the work of all the pillars will greatly impact our parishes, the first pillar to make important decisions will be the Liturgy pillar. The biggest change that is coming to our community is the changing of the Mass schedule at all of our parishes. In conjunction with the priests in our family of parishes, the Liturgy pillar will meet to discuss changes in the schedule under the guidelines provide to us by the Road to Renewal team.
I know that these are hard times for all of us. Change is difficult. However, I remain confident that if we focus on the one thing that matters most, our relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the sacrament life of the Church, we will overcome all these changes. Not only will we overcome them, but we will grow stronger in our faith.
So again, I encourage you to remain focused on the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith. If we do this our faith, our parishes, our community will grow stronger.
Mary, Holy Mother of God, pray for us. St. Teresa of Avila, pray for us. All holy men and women, pray for us.
Fr. Tom
PS: In case you were wondering ADMG stands for Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (for the greater glory of God).