Giving Tuesday falls on December 3 this year; less than three weeks away.
Parishioners and friends of St. Mary’s are asked to prayerfully consider a donation to our two Giving Tuesday options:
1. Campus Computer Upgrades - St. Mary's must replace 20 computers used by parish and school staff due to Microsoft discontinuing support of Windows 10. Funds raised will be applied to these purchases by the end of February 2025.
2. St. Mary’s Educational Endowment Fund - This is a restricted investment account from which the earnings will be used to support Catholic Education at St. Mary’s Parish in perpetuity.
It is easy to donate:
Credit card or bank account payment through St. Mary's secure online giving link on our website,
Mail a check payment with donor form, to the parish office:
St. Mary Church, 6919 Transit Rd., East Amherst, NY 14051.
Drop an envelope in the collection basket with cash or check and the donor form or use a special envelope, available in the church vestibule.
Call St. Mary's parish office to process a credit card payment: (716) 688-9380.