Some would consider summer a time for vacations, relaxation, and maybe even a chance to ‘catch up’. I hope that all of us get to experience some aspect of these as we move into the month of July. However, growing up on the farm, summer was all about work, harvesting, haying and all that went along with that. Summer was not a chance to really relax, but an opportunity to participate in growth. Certainly, there were opportunities to picnic, have family reunions and attend summer events, but all of that revolved around the summer work of the farm.
As we move into July, I don’t want us to forget that the work of the church continues. Our parish functions year-round, and the summer months are an important part of our parish’s life. The opportunities that are available throughout the summer are important in fostering the growth that takes place all year at St. Mary’s. Our summer picnic, especially after last year’s ‘covid friendly’ event, will certainly be a welcomed change. We as a parish family can gather and grow as a community and celebrate our faith with the larger community as well. For this picnic to be a success we need EVERYONE to help out. Whether you can volunteer on the days of the picnic, help with setup, takedown, selling tickets, running in the Chowder Chase Race, to simply attending and supporting the success of the event, making sure to invite others to join as well.
Our Family Faith Formation program functions throughout the summer and our families grow in faith in their lessons. Teen Bible Study, Second Sunday for young adults are also opportunities for growth throughout the summer. I encourage you to look inside the bulletin at the Family Faith Formation section of the bulletin to get a grasp of all our wonderful Family Faith Formation office does to help us grow closer to Jesus. Take advantage of these opportunities.
The greatest growth in the fields on the farm happened throughout the summer. This year, let’s make sure that our summer months include ways in which we can continue to grow and learn as disciples at St. Mary’s.
Keep smiling, 😊
Fr. Bryan