Parish Feast Day’s are a time for all parishioners to really reflect on what the value of our parish is. Our parish, named for Our Lady of the Assumption, speaks to the sinless character of Mary and the destiny of all believers. Mary, because of her sinless nature, having said yes to the Annunciation and bore Jesus, at the Assumption is assumed body and soul into heaven. Having started as a farming community, this title I believe fits perfectly with our parish. The Assumption celebrates Mary being the first harvest of the end times. Mary’s body and soul are taken to heaven, and provide for us the hope and anticipation of one day being a part of the final harvest at the end of the age.
August is traditionally known in the farming community as the ‘first harvest.’ Typically most grain crops are harvested at this time, and Mary has a title as ‘Queen of the Harvest.’ The correlation between Mary, and the farming character of our parish community is amazing. The question however is; Does this still impact us today?
If we fail to understand that Mary is our model and guide here at St. Mary’s, then we are missing the whole point of the purpose of our parish. As Mary is assumed into heaven, she is showing us the way to her Son for all eternity. It means that we are going to have to grow, and become abundant in the fruit and grains of our lives. The produce of our lives should be bountiful and reflect the blessed nature of God working through us. That’s what it means to be a disciple in our world today. Bearing God’s fruit! To do that effectively that means we need our parish to provide for our growth and development as disciples. If we want to be a part of the harvest at the end times, we need St. Mary’s to fertilize, water, and nurture us!
As we celebrate our patron this weekend, may Mary inspire all of us through the gift of our parish to grow and bear fruit that will last. May we come here to be inspired, to receive God’s grace and to find the love of a community growing to eternity.
As a reminder, our Day of Mercy begins Sunday evening after the outdoor mass at 6 pm, and continues through Monday at 7 pm, where a Mass of Healing will conclude our celebratory Feast Day.
May God Bless all of us at St. Mary’s as we strive to build the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.
Love you all! Keep Smiling,:-)
Fr. Bryan