“…amidst the light of the Paschal candle, amidst God’s word proclaimed to us, and amidst the bread of life which we share, we will also bless the life-giving water that God has given to us. This water becomes the holy symbol of God’s re-creative love towards us and the sacrament through which we effectively die to sin and through which we rise to new life in Christ. Just as it is impossible to imagine our everyday lives without water, so it is impossible to imagine our Christian lives without the waters of Baptism. Indeed, it is this water, that brings the fullness of life. Tonight, we will remain true to Jesus’ command as we will celebrate along with churches all over the world, the Baptismal liturgy whereby we welcome new members into his Church while renewing the vows of our own Baptism through water and the Spirit, and so carry on his life-giving mission even today."
Quote from Fr. Luke’s Easter Vigil Homily4 men