Father Luke Uebler departs from 7 AM Mass this morning.

We truly appreciate Carol Beiter and Barb Owcarz for the many years that they have planted the annual flowers that adorn the Marian Garden, accentuating the beauty of our Blessed Mother and creating a beautiful place to pray.

Picnic Raffle Tickets due by NOON TODAY to be eligible for the EARLY BIRD DRAWING! (Two winners of $250 each!)

Two $250 winners!
Cost remains at $20!
Tickets must be received in the parish office BY NOON ON JUNE 28th to be eligible for the Early Bird.
Additional tickets are available in the parish office.

The Early Bird Drawing for St. Mary's Picnic Raffle will be held on June 29th. Tickets must be received in the parish office by noon on Wednesday, June 28 to be eligible for two $250 cash prizes. Winners' tickets are returned to the drum for the Picnic Sunday drawings on July 23.

Our St. Mary's Softball 3:16 Team is having a blast and is currently ranked 4th in our League out of 8 teams. They would love to have a few more fans in the stands cheering them on! They play every Sunday at 5pm at Stigelmeyer park on Losson Rd. The next game is Sunday, June 25th at 5pm on Diamond 8. Come cheer us on!

“With all the strength of my soul I urge you young people to approach the Communion table as often as you can. Feed on this bread of angels whence you will draw all the energy you need to fight inner battles. Because true happiness, dear
friends, does not consist in the pleasures of the world or in earthly things, but in peace of conscience, which you have only if you are pure in heart and mind.”
—Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

Red Cross Blood Drive Monday, June 19, 2-7 PM, school cafeteria. ID required.

At the end of our last school Mass, Fr. Luke had special help with the blessing of teachers and students for the summer and SMS presented Fr. Luke with a hockey stick and helmet signed by the entire school body. He laid his gifts before Jesus in the tabernacle and humbly received a standing ovation.

Please pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus today.

If your family would like to create a Blessing Bag to keep in your car in case you meet a homeless person in need, we suggest using a draw string or sturdy bag and including the following items:
• protein drink(unrefrigerated)
• pop top cans of fruit & spoon
• apple sauce & spoon
• a bottle of water
• bar of soap, deodorant, moisturizer
• toothbrush & toothpaste
• small package of baby wipes
• socks
• $5 or $10 gifts cards to Tim Hortons or Burger King for food and use of the facility

Congratulations to the St. Mary School Swormville Class of 2023

Thank you to all who helped to assemble over 50 Blessing Bags for the Homeless as part of our Day of Service! Disciples are also encouraged to make one bag up at home to keep in their vehicle in case they see a person in need.

Corpus Christi Procession today at St. Teresa's at 1:30 PM. Please join us

This weekend is “We Care – We Share” when non-perishable grocery donations are accepted at the entrances to the church. St. Mary's Society of St. Vincent de Paul delivers the groceries to soup kitchens and food pantries in Buffalo, Lockport, Tonawanda, and Clarence.

Disciples make an impact! Please sign up to help out tomorrow for St. Mary's Day of Service. https://www.stmaryswormville.org/page/st-marys-day-of-service

Wednesday Evening Rosary, tonight, 7- 8 PM in the chapel.

Just a quick reminder: now through Labor Day, St. Mary's Daily Masses (7 AM and 9 AM) will be held in the church.

Others need your help! More volunteers are needed for our parish Day of Service this Saturday, June 10. Details here: https://www.stmaryswormville.org/article/1135927

VBS 2023 will be "Stellar"! Click on this link for details, registration, volunteering: