Bible Sudy with photo of open Bible
St. Mary's Christ Renews Welcome 2.0 Logo
Bishop Michael Fisher's Coat of Arms
Single star hanging above St. Mary's Church altar and nativity scene
St. Mary's Church Swormville Christmas
Support St. Mary's Educational Endowment on Giving Tuesday
Advent Activities
Handel's Messiah to be Performed by Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus at St. Mary's Church December 3rd
Adventure to Christmas with Advent Candles
Fr. Joe and children dressed as Saints at St. Mary's  Swormville
Christmas Tree with gifts under it
Shelves of food and paper products with, "Thanksgiving Food Drive"
All Saints' and All Souls' Day with artwork
Buffalo Bishop's Coat of Arms
St. Mary's  QR Code for Online Giving
package of meat with "Meat raffle 6-10 pm St. Mary School Gym
October Month of the Holy Rosary
St. Mary's 175th anniversary apparel and home goods
picture of various pets "Blessing of Animals" 10/4, 6 PM at St. Mary's Swormville