January 8, 2024
Adult Faith Enrichment is an important facet of our spiritual journeys. St. Mary's Parish is currently offering two new Bible studies: "Genesis to Jesus" (meeting now) and "A Bib...

January 3, 2024
It is time to register for the 2024 Christ Renews Welcome Women's and Men's Retreats at St. Mary's Parish, Swormville. They are spiritual renewal weekends designed to help indivi...

December 19, 2023
Bishop Michael Fisher's statement, issued on the afternoon of December 18, 2023, reiterates that the Pope's doctrinal declaration allowing the blessing of same sex/unmarried coup...

December 18, 2023
St. Mary's Church will livestream three of our Christmas Masses for the homebound of our faith community, our traveling parishioners, and our friends and family afar. To be live...

December 5, 2023
December 8th is a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics when we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are many opportunities within our family of pa...

November 29, 2023
All are invited to join us for Christmas Vigil or Christmas Day Mass at one of our four Akron Clarence Roman Catholic Community (ACRCC) churches. We have a Mass time that is right...

November 21, 2023
Please support St. Mary's Educational Endowment on Giving Tuesday.
St. Mary's Educational Endowment is a restricted investment account from which the earnings will be used t...

November 17, 2023
Click on the image below for a full size rendering with links for sign ups. Advent Activities at St. Mary's, Nativity, Our Lady of Peace, and St. Teresa's

November 7, 2023
St. Mary's Parish is thrilled to, once again, host the Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus for their annual holiday performance of “Handel’s Messiah” at St. Mary’s Church on December 3, ...

November 7, 2023
Have the best Advent yet! Interactive activities, crafts and games are all planned to make this a family morning of fun as we begin the season of Advent. Bring your family to the...

November 2, 2023
Seventeen Saints of the Catholic Church, portrayed by children in St. Mary's Faith Formation program, and three readers celebrated the Solemnity of All Saints' Mass with our faith...

November 2, 2023
The spirit of giving and helping those in need are intricate parts of our St. Mary's Church community. This is our 26th year of offering the Giving Tree for the many men, women a...

October 30, 2023
St. Mary's Society of St. Vincent de Paul is coordinating our Thanksgiving parish outreach by collecting non-perishable food for families in need the weekend of November 18th/19t...

October 27, 2023
All Saints' Day , Wednesday, November 1 st , is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic church. This liturgical solemnity honors all the martyrs and saints, known and unknown....

October 24, 2023
The Diocese of Buffalo has provided the following brief statement regarding the funding for settlements to the abuse survivors: Diocese's Announcement to Parishes on Bankrup...

October 24, 2023
Did you know that St. Mary's Swormville has a QR code for convenient Online Giving? If you forget to bring cash for the collection basket, the QR code is now in the weekly bulle...

October 19, 2023
Come for the steak and stay for the sizzle! The St. Mary School HSA Meat Raffle will be held Sat. Nov. 4th at 6 pm in the school gymnasium, with the first spin at 7pm. Wit...

October 12, 2023
October is the Month of the Holy Rosary
Please join us as St. Mary's prays this powerful prayer together throughout the month.
30 minutes before each weekend Mass W...

October 12, 2023
St. Mary's Parish will be celebrating our 175th Anniversary in 2024! Celebrate with commemorative apparel in youth and adult sizes as well as home goods. Our online store is...

October 3, 2023
On Wednesday, October 4 th at 6:00 PM, St. Mary's Church, Swormville, will have its annual Pet Blessing to celebrate The Feast of St. Francis on the front steps of St. Mary Scho...