
Engaged couples should call the parish office at least 6 months prior to their wedding to make an appointment with the priest.

The Sacrament of Marriage is celebrated on Friday afternoons and Saturdays at Noon, 1 PM, and 5:30 PM. Please note, no weddings will be scheduled during Holy Week or Picnic Weekend (second to last Friday - Sunday of July).

Marriage Preparation

What is Marriage Preparation?

Marriage Preparation (also referred to as Pre Cana) provides couples the opportunity to grow together in understanding of the sacramental nature of grace in marriage through interactions with trained team couples.

After meeting with one of our priests, couples who are preparing for marriage in the Catholic Faith may choose to the Sponsor Couple Program.  Generally the engaged couple would meet with the Sponsor Couple for three evenings to cover various topics.  The meetings are held in the home of the Sponsor Couple and cover such topics as discovering yourself, communication, conflict resolution, family of origin, marital roadblocks, financial issues and faith.  The experience involves presentation, discussion, writing, sharing and prayer. 

To register for this program or to discuss other options contact Cathy (716-374-2999) or Bruce (716-310-7422) Zgoda.

Each marriage preparation experience offers unique aspects all designed to provide you and your future spouse with an affirming and enriching program. All the programs cover the same topics but are presented differently.

You will receive your Marriage Preparation Certificate at the conclusion of your program.