I hope that we are continuing to invite and encourage others to join us at St. Mary’s. We need to actively reach out to those who are missing and let them know they are missed and always welcome. As part of our efforts to be more welcoming, beginning next week as part of the introduction to Mass, the lector will invite us to stand and greet our neighbors in an effort to welcome those who are joining us at Mass. This is an opportunity to meet people around you and to welcome those who may be joining us. The culture of welcome and hospitality begins with all of us. Let’s make an effort to invite, welcome, and encourage one another on our journey of discipleship.
As we quickly approach the month of November, we remember in a very special way the faithful departed. We begin by celebrating the Saints that are recognized as part of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is a Holy Day of Obligation, please see the bulletin or our website for the full Mass schedule. The Saints are meant to inspire and encourage us on our own journey of faith. On November 2, we pray for All Souls. Here we remember all of the faithful departed no matter where they are on their journey towards heaven. As we pray for the faithful departed, our prayers assist the deceased in a special way. We are praying together with those who have gone before us, and in a special way they also pray for us on our journey of faith. If you haven’t seen the movie Coco, I would highly encourage you to watch this animated movie as it is exactly what we celebrate as believers in the month of November. When we remember those who have gone before us, they become an intimate part of us and we with them.
As part of our celebrations for the faithful departed, we have a special Mass for anyone who would like to remember a loved one who has passed. We will pray in a special way for all those we have lost at St. Mary’s over the past year, but also for all those who have gone before us. We will again have our tables of remembrance in which we invite everyone to bring pictures of our deceased loved ones to place in church as a reminder that we are all gathered together in God’s house. Our prayers for each other and those that we’ve lost help us and them on our journey of faith. The pictures can be brought anytime and can be taken back on the weekend of November 19/20.
As we begin to wind down the liturgical year, and as we move through the month of November we are reminded that the end will come for all of us one day. This is nothing we should fear, but trust in God’s plan for all of us. Our prayers together today, will have an impact on our destiny tomorrow. May we pray in a special way for the faithful departed, and may our prayers demonstrate the faith we have in God at the end of time.
Keep smiling
Fr. Bryan