Often enough, amid the many challenges and forces we come up against, we talk about putting our trust and our faith in God. In the readings of this weekend, it is instead Jesus who puts his faith and trust in all of us, as he declares, “You are the light of the world… you are the salt of the earth.” A weighty proposition to have been placed on our shoulders, certainly, but an encouraging thought all the same that the all-knowing, all-powerful, God of the universe, who created us and knows each of us through and through is yet confident to entrust us with this His most important mission. This light was given to us at our baptisms as we were symbolically given a candle and asked at that point to let Christ’s light in us shine brightly throughout our lives.
One way that we bring out the light that is in each of us is through education (literal roots of the word from the Latin, educare: e[x] – out of; duc – lead; are – to, “to lead out of”). This weekend, we finish our celebration of Catholic Schools Week, knowing how important Catholic Education is for leading our lives out of the darkness into the light, whether we have our foundation here at St. Mary’s School or elsewhere, whether that was through Religious Education Classes, whether we have received continuing education in our Adult Faith Formation and Enrichment Programs, or whether that’s from simply listening to the prayers and the Scriptures and Homilies in our liturgical celebrations… Catholic Education shows us how to become the best version of ourselves as we continue to grow in God’s ways, and that brings out the light that is in each of us. Check out the testimonials on our new website from our school students, parents, alumni, and community leaders on the importance of what Catholic Education has meant to them here at St. Mary’s: Click here to read the St. Mary School Testimonials
Consider for yourself that you are the light of the world and so take advantage of the many opportunities for growth that are made possible here at St. Mary’s School and through our Faith Formation Office to learn how to let your light shine more fully – come be a part of the great things happening at St. Mary’s. This past year we have touched the lives of over 700 young students through Catholic Education in the School and through Faith Formation, and many more adults in our parish and beyond! Catholic Education is a big part of our mission and the discipleship happening here. Our light is shining brightly. Indeed, we truly have much to celebrate and be thankful for.
And yet, in a world that is increasingly darkened by the absence of faith, it is more important than ever to foster the light that Catholic Education brings. We want nothing more than Catholic Education to thrive, and we need your help to continue to make that possible. Fr. Bryan has already alluded to this in an earlier article that we are thus establishing the St. Mary’s Catholic Education Endowment Fund. This fund will ensure that all Catholic Education at St. Mary’s from the School to Faith Formation is well-funded and has the resources it needs to be supported into the future. At the time of this writing, we have already secured over $88,200(!) in contributions towards our initial goal of $250,000 to fund this important endeavor. You should know that all the money collected to this end stays right here at St. Mary’s for the purposes of the Catholic Education of our parish and cannot be touched by the Diocese or Bankruptcy. Starting this weekend, there will be pledge cards in the Church so that you can do your part and lend your support – we’re counting on you. Let your light shine and so help the light of others to shine brightly in turn. Thank you for your generosity and support of Catholic Education.
~Fr. Luke