We celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into heaven this coming Thursday, May 18, 2023. Our Mass schedule for this Holy Day of Obligation is 5:00pm (Wednesday Vigil), 7am, 9am, and 7pm all in the New Church. All are welcome to join us. The mystery of this feast day is that although it was necessary for Jesus to leave this earth and so join his Father in heaven, He continues to be present among us until the end of time. This happens in a tangible way in and through his Church.
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he charged the Twelve to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you (Matthew 28:19-20). This is the heart of the Church’s mission. That is why it is so special that we have been able to celebrate the sacraments of initiation with so many in our parish. Congratulations to those who entered the Church at Easter through the RCIA! Congratulations to all those who made their 1st Communion these last few weeks! Congratulations to those who were Confirmed on May 5th! We are proud of you and the steps you are making in your discipleship with the Lord. A sincere thank you goes out as well to all those who had a role in the preparation for these sacraments – parents, families, friends, sponsors, our faith formation team and catechists, and the Church as a whole. May we continue to be a blessing to each other as we together make our journey towards heaven where Jesus has gone before us.
Part of this mission is passing along Jesus’ teachings. All of us are in need of formation from infancy well into our golden years. Discipleship is a lifelong process. As the saying goes, "you learn something new everyday" there is always something new that Jesus wants to teach us. We are blessed to have a comprehensive Faith Formation providing something for everyone to grow in faith. Opportunities to get involved are continuously offered and updated on our website. In the weekly bulletin, the Catholic Education section shares Scripture and ideas to live out the liturgical seasons as well as highlights of current events. Also of note, registration for the upcoming Faith Formation Year for our young students and their families, including those in a sacramental year (Penance, 1st Communion, Confirmation) opens this Monday, May 15th. May we choose to join in the mission Jesus called us to as His disciples, learning and passing along the Catholic faith each day.
~Fr. Luke