Consider this… Why is this week different?

Today we begin Holy Week. The question that should immediately come to our mind is what makes this week Holy and different from every other week?

The liturgies that we celebrate this week do not simply ‘remember’ historical events. The great mystery of our liturgy is that it transforms us to the event itself. We become present on Palm Sunday when the crowd cried Hosanna, we listen to Jesus’ command on Holy Thursday to, ‘Take this all of you and eat of it.’ Good Friday is profoundly sobering as we cry out ‘Crucify him, Crucify him.’ Easter Saturday, we wait, in prayer and silence for Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. When we celebrate liturgies throughout Holy Week we become part of the story of Jesus’ pascal mystery, his life, suffering, death and resurrection. It becomes sobering because all of us are a part of this great mystery of faith.

The question then should be asked of each of us, how are we going to make this week Holy? I would like to suggest a few ways to make this the most profound Holy Week of your life.

1.     Pray – in a special way this week, take some extra time for prayer focusing on what this week is all about. Spend quiet time in church and focus on God’s love. If you can’t come to church, find a prayerful spot at home without distraction to pray intentionally each day of Holy Week.

2.    Attend Holy Week services – the liturgies will transform you, I promise! Each day is a focus on Jesus’ willingness to love us no matter what. Jesus through these liturgies let’s us know we are worth dying for, and he wants to help us get to heaven too. Even if you can’t attend all of our Holy Week services, come to one extra and allow it to transform you.

3.   Reconcile – if you haven’t had a chance to go to Reconciliation, Wednesday from 5pm – 7pm, I will be available for reconciliation in the new church.

4.   Do something kind for someone. Jesus gives his life for all of us, the greatest act of love bestowed upon humanity. Do something kind this week for someone out of love and help participate in the transformation of the world.

Jesus makes us the priority of his life, so as we enter Holy Week, let’s make Jesus our priority.

A most Blessed and Transformative Holy Week to you all.


Keep Smiling:_)


Fr. Bryan