Beautiful wall mounted Holy Water fonts have been installed at the entrance to the church to make the Holy Water more accessible to all as the assembly departs from Mass.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Holy Water Font
Holy Water Font
Holy Water Font
Thank you! We had a tremendous response to our Thanksgiving Food Drive! St. Mary's Society of St. Vincent de Paul is busy today sorting and distributing all of this food to the needy of our area.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Swormville Thanksgiving Food Drive
St. Mary's Swormville Thanksgiving Food Drive
St. Mary's Educational Endowment is a restricted investment account from which the earnings will be used to support Catholic Education at St. Mary’s Parish in perpetuity.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Throw back Thursday brings a sense of gratitude for the young people of our parish who willingly give back to their peers. Here are two photos from the past of our Risen Retreat Crews (RRC). Do you see someone who has been involved since they were confirmed in 2018?
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Risen Retreat Crew
St. Mary's Parish is grateful to our Facilities Manager, Don Andres, for keeping our campus safe and beautiful. Work was completed today on the north side steps of the school and the steps/ramp to chapel's side door. Mr. John Turton also repainted the safety markings on the chapel front steps recently.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
sidewalk/steps repair at St. Mary's Swormville
sidewalk/steps repair at St. Mary's Swormville
sidewalk/steps repair at St. Mary's Swormville
Dear Veterans, We will have a special blessing for veterans at all St. Mary's Masses and distribute thank you cards made by school children and faith formation families. Thank you for your service and may our Gracious God bless you abundantly!
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Thank you Veterans
Veterans' Day cards
Veterans' Day cards
Did you know that the bricks used in constructing the church in 1864-65 were HAND MADE at a clay pit on the Gregor Herberger farm located on Stahley Road? He was the son of Johann Herberger whose farm on "The Transit" was used for Mass by Fr. John Neumann before there was a church building.. #ThrowbackThursday #StMarys175
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Swormville Map indicating location of brickyard used for St. Mary's Church
church brick closeup
church brick closeup
Prayer to St. John Neumann for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life: O glorious St. John Neumann, fervent advocate for vocations, I humbly beseech your intercession before the throne of God. Stir up within the hearts of young men and women a desire to serve Him faithfully in the priesthood and religious life. Guide those discerning their vocation with wisdom, courage, and humility. May our Church be blessed with holy laborers who spread the love of Christ throughout the world. Amen.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Mosaic of St. John Neumann
CATHOLIC GAME NIGHT for Grades 6 - 12! Come on over to St. Mary's gym on Monday, November 6 from 6:30-8 PM and have some fun, Catholic-style! Friends are welcome!
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Swormville Youth Ministry Team
Breakthrough Logo
All Souls Day Masses today, November 2, at 9 AM and 7 PM, in the church. We invite all parishioners, especially those who have recently lost loved ones, to attend the Mass of Remembrance at 7 PM as we offer prayers for those who have died and were buried from St. Mary’s Church in the last year.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
All Souls' Day
We hope you can make it. Peace, Mike, Heidi, and Luke
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's SPARK Yoiung Adult Group meets November 1 at 7 PM
All Saints' Day, Wednesday, November 1st, is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic church. Holy Day Masses at St. Mary's: Tuesday, October 31 - 5:00 PM Vigil Wednesday, November 1 - 7:00 AM, 9 AM, 7 PM All Masses are in the church.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
All Saints' Day Artwork
Calling the youth of St. Mary's Parish and friends! Come, join us!
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Join St. Mary's Youth Ministry Events
While making your Halloween plans, don't forget that November 1st is All Saints' Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass schedule: Tuesday, 10/31, 5:00 PM Vigil Mass and Wednesday, 11/1, 7:00 AM, 9 AM, 7 PM.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
stained glass with, All you holy men and women pray for us"
Students in grade 6 - 12, mark your calendars to join our fun Youth Ministry Team for CATHOLIC GAME NIGHT on Monday November 6th, 6:30 - 8:00 PM in the gym. Bring a friend! Sign up on the parish website under Faith Formation>Youth Ministry or use this link:
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Parish Swormville Youth Ministry Team
Preparation for First Reconciliation has begun. Students who are preparing for the Sacrament and their family were called up to the altar at the end of Mass to receive a special blessing and gift. First Reconciliation Spirit Day is scheduled for November 18th.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Blessing of First Reconciliation students at St. Mary's Swormville
Blessing of First Reconciliation students at St. Mary's Swormville
Blessing of First Reconciliation students at St. Mary's Swormville
Deadline for ordering commemorative 175th Anniversary items for Christmas is this Friday, October 27, at midnight. Order here:
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
175th Anniversary
Children's Liturgy of the Word (PK-GR. 4) at 9 AM Sunday Mass each week. "I love hearing what the children know about their faith! It is a blessing to be able to reiterate to them that they are loved greatly by God!" Jennifer G.
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
Picture of Jesus with children gathered around, "Children's Liturgy of the Word"
Have you ever noticed the statue in front of the parish office? It used to be located at the corner of chapel. It is a statue of our founder St. John Neumann. #ThrowbackThursday #StMarys175
over 1 year ago, St. Mary's Church
statue of St. John Neumann at St. Mary's Swormville
statue of St. John Neumann at St. Mary's Swormville
statue of St. John Neumann at St. Mary's Swormville
St. Mary School Class of 2024 sweatshirts were blessed by Fr. Art at the 9 AM Mass this morning. Blessing of these special sweatshirts is a longstanding tradition at St. Mary's. Our faith is incorporated into all that we do at St. Mary School.
over 1 year ago, Stephanie States
St. Mary School Class of 2024 in sweatshirts
students receiving class sweatshirts
holy water and baskets of sweatshirts