TODAY IS THE SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS, a Holy Day of Obligation. The last available Mass at St. Mary's is at 7:00 PM this evening, 11/1, in the church.
4 months ago, St. Mary's Church
All Saints' Day
Teens had fun navigating the "lava" on the gym floor at Monday's BREAKTHROUGH Youth Night! Grades 6 - 12 are invited to "Join us in the Comment Section" at our next BREAKTHROUGH gathering on Monday, 11/4.
4 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Teen activity
Teen activity
Teen activity
Teen activity
Teen activity
Confirmation candidates from St. Mary's and Our Lady of Peace were assisted by teen volunteers from Nativity and St. Mary's at the first Confirmation retreat last Saturday. For one of the activities, each team of candidates were given a challenge to create a cross. These are a few examples. What a cool exercise! Our Family of Parishes has 65 Confirmation candidates this year. Candidates were able to choose from 3 retreat dates - ensuring that all are able to have this awesome experience on their journey to Confirmation in the Holy Spirit.
4 months ago, St. Mary's Church
teens making a cross with their fingers
teens making a cross with their fingers
teens making a cross with their fingers
teens making a cross with their fingers
What do our young people say about St. Mary's Breakthrough Youth Group? Margaret says, "Breakthrough is fun. I like to come and talk about the Bible and spend time with friends from other schools."
5 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Wednesday Evening Rosary tonight at 7 PM in St. Mary's chapel. All are invited to pray in community for our country and our private intentions, through Mary, to her Beloved Son, Jesus.
5 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Wednesday Rosary at 7 PM
We had a great time on Friday night around the bonfire! Our next BREAKTHROUGH Youth Night is October 28th. The theme is: The floor is lava! Grades 6 - 12 are invited to join us. Did you know your teen's friends do not have to be Catholic or belong to St. Mary's to come along?
5 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Breakthrough Youth Group
Don’t throw out those old shoes! SMS is having a footwear drive! Our 8th grade class is hosting a shoe collection! The company that they are collecting for, Funds2Orgs, works to support individuals who create micro-businesses in developing countries to combat the effects of systemic poverty and a lack of education and economic opportunity. Bins have been placed outside the school office. We will take all we can get until 11/14. Shoes, sneakers, cleats, hiking boots, rain boots, water shoes & sandals are acceptable. They will not accept single shoes, ice skates, roller skates, wet or moldy shoes, or shoes with holes or tears.
5 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Calling St. Mary's teens and friends: Join us this Friday night at 6:30 around the bonfire to talk about the meaning of fire!
5 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Breakthrough Youth Group Meeting 10-18-24
Teens at bonfire
Breakthrough Youth Group Meeting 10-18-24
Annual Pet Blessing on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi tomorrow - Friday, October 4 at 6:00 PM on the front steps of St. Mary School, facing Transit Rd. All furry, feathered and scaly pets are welcome! Please bring pets on a leash or in a pet carrier.
5 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Blessing of the Animals
Painting of St. Francis of Assisi
Rosary Leaders Needed. Please consider being a prayer leader before our weekend Masses this month. October is the Month of the Holy Rosary. You need not be a Rosary expert, you just need to be a disciple who is willing to lead the prayer, using the provided materials, one half hour before the scheduled Mass. If you are willing to lead the Rosary before a weekend Mass, please sign up with the link below or contact Hope Chavanne by phone at (716) 633-9525 or by email at Sign up for as many slots as you wish at:
5 months ago, St. Mary's Church
"Pray the Rosary", hands holding a rosary
Did you know that St. Mary's Church offers Children's Liturgy of the Word at the Sunday 9 AM Mass? Seen here, Fr. Walt leads the assembly in blessing the children before they depart to hear God's Word in an understandable child-friendly way during the Liturgy of the Word. Children's Liturgy of the Word is oriented to ages 4-12 and parents are welcome to accompany the younger children.
5 months ago, St. Mary's Church
priest and deacon blessing young children at Mass
ST. MARY'S OKTOBERFEAST IS ONE WEEK AWAY! Ask your friend or spouse to scan this QR code to make a reservation! No need to pay today - pay when you arrive! $10/one person, $15/two people. Event details and link to RSVP in Friday's Flocknote & St. Mary's website:
5 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Oktoberfest RSVP QR code
October is the Month of the Holy Rosary. Please consider being a Rosary prayer leader before our weekend Masses in October. You need not be a Rosary expert, you just need to be disciple who is willing to lead the prayer, using the provided materials, one half hour before the scheduled Mass. For more information or to sign up go to:
6 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Month of the Rosary with hanging rosaries.
Priesthood Sunday is this Sunday, September 29th. Thank a priest. Thank God for our priests. Pray for priests. Ask God for more priests.
6 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Who are the angels? What role do they play in our lives? Students in grades 6 - 12 are invited to join us for BREAKTHROUGH Youth Night in St. Mary's gym to find out! Sign up here: or go to > faith formation > youth ministry > breakthrough youth nights
6 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Breakthrough Youth Night: Angels Among Us
OKTOBERFEST Sat., Oct. 5th, 5 - 8:30 PM! RSVP: 688-9380,, or Adults 21+ welcome. Admission $10/each, $15/two. Music by The Frankfurters! Beer, wine, pretzels, brats & dumplings for purchase. BYO snacks welcome. No BYO alcohol allowed.
6 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Oktoberfest RSVP QR Code
It's time to RSVP for OKTOBERFEST '24! Make your reservation today by scanning the QR code, calling (716)688-9380, emailing:, or using this link: OKTOBERFEST will be a fun ACRCC community event on Saturday, October 5, 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM in St. Mary's parish center. All adults 21 yrs.+ are welcome to join us. Admission is $10/person, $15/couple; tables of 8 may be reserved. Music will be provided by The Frankfurters! Seasonal craft beer, wine, hot pretzels, bratwurst, and homemade apple dumplings will be available for purchase. BYO snacks are welcome. Basket raffles and 50/50 too! Please, no BYO alcohol allowed.
6 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Oktoberfest 10-5-24
Oktoberfest RSVP QR Code
Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) classes for those seeking to come into full communion with the Catholic Church are set to begin September 22, 2024. Candidates are those who wish to convert to Catholicism or those baptized Catholic who did not receive First Eucharist or Confirmation. We meet each Sunday at 8:30 AM in St. Mary's Parish Center Room 109, go to 9 AM Mass together, and have instruction from 10 AM - 12 PM.
6 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Youth in grades 6 - 12 are welcome to join us tonight for Wild Wet Wiffle Ball. Blow off some beginning of the school year "steam" at Breakthrough Youth Night! We will meet in St. Mary's gym at 6:30 PM. Parent pick-up is 8:00 PM. All denominations welcome - bring friends!
6 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Breakthrough tonight
Our gardens around the Blessed Virgin are beautiful this time of year! You can help to keep them that way by signing up to maintain a bed or two (weed, prune, edge, work up the mulch). Call the parish office to adopt a garden, (716) 688-9380
6 months ago, St. Mary's Church
Marian Gardens at St. Mary's Swormville
Marian Gardens at St. Mary's Swormville
Marian Gardens at St. Mary's Swormville
Marian Gardens at St. Mary's Swormville