Our study resumed on September 8th and we will continue to meet on Sundays at 10:15 a.m. OR Mondays at 10:15 a.m. Our first 3 weeks will be a recap and faith sharing for seasons 1, 2, and 3.
Our study of season 4 will begin on Sept 29th. Each week we will explore the meaning of each episode with scripture and discussion meant to help you move forward in your faith using questions that are challenging enough to do just that. A 90-minute time of prayer, reflection, and faith sharing. A free study guide with scripture, questions, etc., is provided.
Click the link below to open the registration form, learn more, and see a video trailer https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftgTVKznYKKdjurWg4180O5IQNSphEw1drJjBQUVDIX3tGgw/viewform
You are a disciple! Invite family, bring friends, make friends. Come to this unforgettable, life-changing oasis on your walk to eternity. Come, even if you can only attend one session!
Please contact Dick Marchessault by phone (716) 221-0046 if you have any questions or the Catholic Education Office at (716) 688-0599.

Sharing a beautiful St. John Neumann Prayer...

Do you have children in grades 6 - 12? Do you want them to have fun in a safe environment? Would you like them to meet new friends? Would you like them to embrace Jesus as relevant in their daily lives? Encourage your teen to come to a BREAKTHROUGH Youth Group gathering at St. Mary's. The next two meetings are 9/13 and 9/30, 6:30 - 8:00 PM.

NEW ALTAR SERVER TRAINING this Saturday, September 7, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM, in the church. This training session is for those who were not able to attend the training in August. Boys and girls in grade 4 and above who have received their First Communion are eligible to be trained as an altar server. The training will be conducted by our adult server coordinator, Mr. Dick Marchessault. Contact Donna Allan if your child would like to attend at liturgy@stmaryswormville.org.

Additional Altar Server Training Session Added: for those who were not able to attend the training in August, a second session has been scheduled for Saturday, September 7th from 10:30 to 12:30.
Boys and girls in grade 4 and above who have received their First Communion are eligible to be trained as an altar server. The training will be conducted by our adult server coordinator, Mr. Dick Marchessault. It will take place in the church.
Contact Donna Allan at liturgy@stmaryswormville.org if your child would like to attend.

If the Holy Spirit is tugging on your heart to become part of the Body of Christ or, as an adult, you haven’t received all of your Sacraments of Initiation, come to an informational meeting this Thursday, August 22 at 6:30 PM (parish center rm. 109). Call the Catholic Education office for more details (716)688-0599.

Teachers and Adult Helpers needed for Children's Liturgy of the Word. No Experience Necessary. Help with this Sunday ministry that takes place at 9 AM Mass by teaching our little parishioners all about Jesus ! Volunteers scheduled only once every couple of months starting in September.
If interested or have any questions, call Janice O’Brien @716-688-9380
or email: parishlife@stmaryswormville.org

St. Mary's Rosary Revival begins Sunday, August 11 at 7 PM, with a candlelight procession that honors Mary and invokes her intercession. The Joyful Mysteries will be prayed and Fr. George Knab's topic is Cause of Our Joy. After the service, people may come forward for healing prayer for themselves or for another.

Who is our Rosary Revival facilitator, Rev. George Knab, O.M.I.?
Born as the oldest of eight siblings in Buffalo, New York, Rev. George Knab is a priest of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, a world-wide religious community of over 3600 members founded in 1826 by St. Eugene de Mazenod to preach the gospel to the poor. He received an M.A. in Theology from Oblate College, Washington, D.C. where he was ordained in 1967. After a year of graduate study in Sacred Scripture at the Catholic University of America Fr. Knab served three years as Director of Religious Services at a Catholic high school outside Buffalo.
In addition to serving as a Hospital Chaplain, pastoring several parishes over the years , and conducting hundreds of renewal programs, parish missions, and retreats, Father Knab has preached in support of missions in Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Kenya, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Guatemala. In 2003, Fr. Knab joined Oblate Preaching Ministries based in Chicago. His mission collections now support Oblate seminarians in Zambia, south central Africa, where he visited in January of 2018.
In 2016 Fr. Knab was designated as a Missionary of Mercy by Pope Francis who urged each missionary to be a "joyful proclaimer of God's mercy and its faithful dispenser."
Read Fr. Knab's entire biographical sketch at https://www.stmaryswormville.org/page/175th-anniversary-rosa

Actual construction of St. Mary's of the Assumption at Transit's brick church began in 1863.. The walls are made of five courses of bricks on a limestone foundation. The bricks were made by hand at a clay pit on the Gregor Herberger farm. Hand-hewn beams from huge trees were raised into place for the church roof and steeple by horse teams and pulleys. Construction was slow due to the young men of the parish entering the Union Army.
As men returned from the Civil War, construction continued and the church was officially opened in January of 1866.
Photo credit: C. Douglas Kohler, "Clarence: Images of Swormville and the North Country"

Do you remember when everyone at Mass on a November weekend in 2021 was asked, "What one word do you think of when you hear the word DISCIPLE?" That was the launch of our 3-year emphasis on discipleship leading up to our 175th Anniversary this year. Today, when you hear the word, DISCIPLE, what comes to your mind? #ThrowbackThursday #stmaryswormville

St. Mary's to Host a Rosary Revival August 11-14, 2024
A Journey of Grace Through the Decades
In honor of Mary's Assumption and in preparation for St. Mary's commemorative 175th Anniversary Mass on August 15 at 6 PM, we will host Fr. George Knab, OMI, for a four-day Rosary Revival. Each day, Fr. Knab will highlight a different set of Mysteries of the Rosary There will be opportunities for confession, healing prayer and plenary indulgence.
Fr. Knab will celebrate daily 9 AM Mass and follow the Mass with a talk. At 7 PM each evening, he will honor the Blessed Virgin, have a prayer service with a decade of the rosary. Topics and service details can be found on the Anniversary Corner page of stmaryswormville.org.

St. Mary's Picnic Committee, Chowder Chase Team, Car Show Crew, and Fr. Tom Mahoney would like to thank all of the volunteers, participants, sponsors, purveyors, performers, and most especially, those that attended St. Mary's Car Show, Chowder Chase & Social, and Picnic last weekend. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ST. MARY'S FAITH COMMUNITY!

Picnic Raffle Tickets are Available at the Picnic Today. Go to the parish center entrance/chicken BBQ ticket table. Tickets are $20. $19,500 given away today at 5 PM. You could be the $10,000 grand prize winner!

Today is St. Mary's Parish Picnic, 11 AM-5 PM! Famous Chowder $5/bowl, $10/qt., I GOT IT, Kids Zone with games, inflatables, crafts, & face painting, Balloon Man, main stage entertainment, beer/wine tent, basket raffle, Chiavetta's chicken, burgers/dogs/sausage & desserts, picnic raffle w/ $10,000 grand prize at 5 PM.

Tonight is going to have wonderful weather!
4:30 PM Outdoor Mass
Cutting of Chowder Veggies after Mass (bring knife, peeler, board, bowl)
7 PM Chowder Chase Race
6:30 - 11 PM Beer and Wine Social (Live music begins at 7:30)

St. Mary's Trinkets & Treasures IS NOT Accepting any more Donations. Thank you for your support.

Wow! St. Mary's gym is packed with Trinkets and Treasures! Our team of volunteers has been working for days preparing for this Sunday's sale during St. Mary's Parish Picnic (11a-5p).

St. Mary's Picnic Set-Up begins at 6 PM tonight! Come on over; we need you!

Picnic tents are being set up today. Now we need you!!!!
We are very short of help for Thursday evening's SET -UP for this Sunday's Parish Picnic! MANY hands are needed: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F054CABA72FA7FD0-50009072-2024#/
Help is really needed in all things CHOWDER: early Sunday AM prep, bulk sales, sales by the bowl, and more: Please volunteer just a few hours of your time: https://m.signupgenius.com/?#!/showSignUp/20F054CABA72FA7FD0-50008364-2024
All volunteer opportunities are listed here:
https://www.stmaryswormville.org/o/smsp/page/parish-picnic-volunteer-opportunities #stmaryspicnic #StMarys175 #welovestmarys #stmaryspicnic2024