Tonight (5/22) is the last set of talks with St. Mary's Parish Mission guest speaker, Karlo Broussard. Karlo's talk at 6:30 p.m. is entitled, DEFENDING MORAL TRUTH IN A MORAL SHAME CULTURE. He will follow with a second presentation at 7:50 p.m., THE NEW RELATIVISM: UNMASKING THE PHILOSOPHY OF TODAY’S WOKE MORALISTS.
St. Mary's has been blessed to have such a renown, knowledgeable, and faith-filled speaker with us as part of our 175th Anniversary celebration.

Join us tonight at 6:30 PM in St. Mary's Church to hear Karlo Broussard speak on Apologetics for an Age of Unbelief: A how-to approach for dispelling the major cultural myths that serve as obstacles to faith.
Followed by: Meeting the Protestant Challenge:
Karlo gives five bible passages that Protestants commonly use to challenge Catholic beliefs and explains how to respond.
Karlo Broussard is a staff apologist for Catholic Answers and a national speaker.

St. Mary's Wednesday Evening Rosary is canceled tomorrow, 5/22, to enable people to attend the last evening of the Parish Mission at 6:30 PM. Topics will be: Miracles: God's Light in the Darkness of Unbelief and Today's Relativistic Culture.

We appreciate Fr. Mike for starting day 2 of our Parish Mission out with a powerful prayer. Karlo gave a wonderful talk this morning that increased our understanding of Peter as the first Pope, the succession of popes, and the role of the Pope as the leader of the universal Catholic Church. Karlo answered several good questions and stayed to answer others afterward. We look forward to more talks that will help us all to be better disciples of Christ:
Tonight, May 20:
6:30 PM ~ Religion: Why Should I Care
It’s often said that what folks need (especially teenagers and young adults) a reason to care about religion in the first place. Inasmuch as happiness is linked to religion, it becomes clear why religion matters.
7:50 PM ~ Cajun Accordionist to Cajun Apologist: The Life Testimony of a Cradle Catholic
Karlo will share his story of how he left a promising musical career in Southern Louisiana to become a Catholic apologist.
Tuesday, May 21:
10:00 AM ~ Bible Blueprint for Marian Dogmas
Karlo gives biblical evidence for the four major Catholic Marian dogmas—namely, her title as Mother of God, her perpetual virginity, her freedom from sin, and her bodily assumption.
6:30 PM ~ Apologetics for an Age of Unbelief
A how-to approach for dispelling the major cultural myths that serve as obstacles to faith.
7:50 PM ~ Meeting the Protestant Challenge
Karlo gives five bible passages that Protestants commonly use to challenge Catholic beliefs and explain how to respond.
Wednesday, May 22:
10:00 AM ~ Miracles: God’s Light in the Darkness of Unbelief
Karlo responds to objections that skeptics give to the possibility of miracles and offer credible historical evidence that miracles have occurred, as in the case of the resurrection of Jesus, and the miracles documented throughout Catholic history.
6:30 PM & 7:50 PM ~ Today's Relativistic Culture through a Catholic Lens
Karlo will help us to understand the Catholic teaching on various relativistic ideologies present in today's society and how to charitably respond to them.
St. Mary’s Church, 6919 Transit Road, East Amherst, NY 14051

St. Mary's Parish Mission is for anyone - bring a friend!

Dive into friendship with God at St. Mary's Vaction Bible School, July 8-12! Our website has all the details with links to register and volunteer: stmaryswormville.org

Masses for Ascension Thursday (a Holy Day of Obligation) on May 9, 2024 will be offered as follows in the main church:
Vigil Mass (May 8): 5:00 pm
Holy Day Masses: 7:00 am, 9 am, and 7:00 pm

Many volunteers are needed to make our faith community and visitors feel welcome at our Parish Mission talks with Karlo Broussard. Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F054CABA72FA7FD0-49351513-karlo#/ or contact Janice @ 716-688-9380, x127 or parishlife@stmaryswormville.org.

First Communicant, Cora Hardick, assisted by her brother Calvin, braved this morning's rain to crown St. Mary's statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a beautiful crown of white flowers. We are truly grateful for their devotion to the Blessed Mother. "Mary, Mother of God, pray for us."

First Friday Adoration has had to be canceled for Friday, May 3, 2024.
Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O good Jesus, hear me.
Within your wounds conceal me.
Do not permit me to be parted from you.
From the evil foe protect me.
At the hour of my death call me. A
nd bid me come to you, to praise you with all your saints for ever and ever.

“If you want to be close to Christ, I repeat to you ‘Ite ad Ioseph’: Go to Joseph!”
– Pope Ven. Pius XII
Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. In 1955 Pope Pius XII added a second day on May 1st, celebrated as the Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker. As a carpenter, St. Joseph worked very hard. His manual labor was difficult, and he is a great example to all of us in our daily work. In addition, he is a powerful intercessor for those who are seeking employment.
(photo of statue in St. Mary's Church)

Regretably, First Friday Adoration has had to be canceled for Friday, May 3, 2024.
The Divine Praises:
Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be His most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary, most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste Spouse.
Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints.

Did you forget to register your foursome for the May 17th Scramble Golf Tournament? Don't worry, we have a few spots available! Use this link for details: https://www.stmaryswormville.org/o/smsp/page/annual-golf-tournament (IG users, go to the live feed at stmaryswormville.org for the link.)

Teens from St. Mary's and St. Teresa's had a great time at Making Connections! They enjoyed time with new friends from around the diocese, joined in service projects, learned how to remain in Christ through changes and challenges in life, and ended the day celebrating Mass with Bishop Mike and Fr. Bryan.

Mark your calendars! Save the dates! Our faith community springs into celebration of our 175th anniversary as a parish with a 4-day Parish Mission, May 19-22, 2024 and you don't want to miss it out!

Link for online bidding in the Silent Auction: https://stmarygala2024.ggo.bid
Bid on: Books & Games, Buffalo - City & Teams, Kids, Family & Pets, Entertainment & Events, Catholic High Schools, Experiences, Food & Beverage, Handbags & Jewelry, Health & Beauty, Home and Garden, Lottery, Gift Cards/Certificates, SMS Teacher, and Staff Gifts, Sports & Outdoor, Travel and Getaways!

Fabulous Fun Teachers' Gifts for SMS Families to bid on in the online Silent Auction! Browse and bid here: https://stmarygala2024.ggo.bid/

Online FIRST CHANCE RAFFLE sales will close tonight, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, at midnight (12 am). All checks and physical order forms must be received by Noon (12 pm) tomorrow, Friday, April 19, in the parish office.

Bid on Experiences for ALL ages in St. Mary's Spring for Success Silent Auction!
Be a Meteorologist, Get-a ways, Bisons baseball game, wine tastings, amusement parks, golf, restaurants, and more!
Bidding is open to all adults; you do not need to be a St. Mary's parishioner or be present at the Gala to bid and win! Bidding closes this Saturday, 4/20, at 8 PM.
Share this link with family and friends: https://stmarygala2024.ggo.bid/bidding/package-browse