St. Mary's Silent Auction has something fun for everyone! Browse and Bid Now on toys, sporting goods, games, outdoor dining, and more!
Share this link with family and friends, you do not need to be a St. Mary's parishioner or be present to bid and win! https://stmarygala2024.ggo.bid/bidding/package-browse (link also in our Instagram bio.)

The First Chance Raffle gives you the chance to win one of two live auction packages before anyone starts bidding OR you can choose $1,500 in cash! First Chance Raffle Tickets can be purchased at the parish office through 4 PM on Friday, 4/19 or by ordering online at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezncPTfSXTjc9Y26tP_Y81HSqFS8lrS_uCs2hN6ZY0rZS7-A/viewform

New items have been added to the Spring for Success online Silent Auction! We now have over 175 great items on which to bid. Bid early - bid often!
Click here to set up a secure account and start bidding: https://stmarygala2024.ggo.bid/bidding/package-browse (link in Instagram bio.)

The Silent Auction is OPEN! Click here to set up an account and start bidding: https://stmarygala2024.ggo.bid/bidding/package-browse

Fr. Tom share's his thoughts on the 33 Days to Morning Glory Marian Consecration that begins this Monday, 4/15: https://www.stmaryswormville.org/article/1540227
All are invited to participate, in-person or on your own with the free magazine study guide. A complete description of the 6 week retreat: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1th-eRwEM1MIC60G0kFu_gP1T_SYf8nJeE3of-IL-o9g/edit?pli=1

Not going to the Auction? You can still support our St. Mary's Faith Community by bidding in the online Silent Auction and by purchasing First Chance Raffle tickets ($50 ea., 3/$125). Silent Auction begins this Monday morning at 8 AM!

The Spring for Success Silent Auction opens on Monday morning! Check out the over 150 high value items!

Due to the Easter holiday and the eclipse, the Hope & Healing Connections grief support group has rescheduled their monthly meeting to this Monday, 4/15, at 6:00 pm.

Our Spring for Success SILENT Auction goes live on April 15 at 8 AM! This year we are using a new, quality-assured software package, which makes it easier than ever to view and bid on our amazing Silent Auction items, and cash out once you’ve (hopefully) won some stunning prizes! For those unable to attend our Spring for Success Gala in person, the Silent Auction is a great way to get in on the fun and support our school and faith community! Mark your calendar, now!

One hour left to order Spring for Success Auction Gala tickets! Purchases must be made by noon! Securely order with our online site: https://stmaryswormville.ejoinme.org/tickets

The deadline for purchasing Spring for Success Auction Gala tickets has been extended to TUESDAY, 4/9 at NOON! Don't let the new RSVP deadline "ECLIPSE" you from attending! Buy your tickets NOW on our secure online site: https://stmaryswormville.ejoinme.org/tickets
The parish office will close tomorrow, Monday, 4/8, at 12 PM.

Father Bryan will return as our exhilarating auctioneer for our Spring for Success Live Auction on April 20th! Tickets must be purchased by Monday, April 8th! Order online at https://stmaryswormville.ejoinme.org/tickets, use the form in the church vestibule, or call 716-688-9380 today!

Only those attending the Spring for Success Auction Gala on April 20, 2024, have the opportunity to bid on our incredible LIVE auction items. Preview the LIVE auction items at springforsuccess.com


Christ became obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross( Phil.2: 8). How will you respond to His infinite Love?

All are encouraged to participate in the Holy Thursday liturgy this evening at 7 PM.

The Altar of Repose in our chapel awaits our solemn procession and and adoration of the exposed Most Blessed Sacrament tonight, following our first Mass of the Holy Triduum, the Mass of the Lord's Supper. Tonight the church will be darkened and the Altar of Repose will be candlelit.

Don't cook tonight; dine in or take out from Pie-O-Mine/Greens. 20% rebate to our SMS Class of 2024!

March 19th is the Feast of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Oh Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires.
Oh Saint Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from your divine son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, our Lord; so that having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.
Oh Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not approach while he reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss his fine head for me, and ask him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath.
Saint Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for us.