July 20, 2023
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July 19, 2023
This Sunday, July 23, 2023, St. Mary's Parish Picnic will feature live entertainment on the main stage for all to enjoy. The fun begins at 11:30 AM and continues until the Picnic ...

July 17, 2023
St. Mary's Famous Kettle Cooked Chowder will be available at 11:00 AM this Sunday, July 23! Chowder prices remain at $4.00/bowl and $10/quart. Enjoy your chowder under the tent ...
July 12, 2023
Dear Parish Family,
I am writing this note before I officially become the pastor of our family of parishes because several important decisions need to be made before July 1. I...

July 12, 2023
Dear Parish Family,
Well, the first week (and two weekends) are in the books. For some of us changes have already come and for others change is on the horizon. It is that hor...

July 10, 2023
Each session has a different theme. Please use this link to sign up to attend one or both sessions: https://www.signupgenius.com/g...

July 10, 2023
Many hands are needed to make St. Mary's 174th Parish Picnic a success. Please consider volunteering for a shift or two. There will still be plenty of time to enjoy the festivit...

July 10, 2023
St. Mary's Stellar Vacation Bible School (VBS) blasted off today and the children are headed for a star-studded adventure with their teen group leaders! They are travelling to Si...
July 7, 2023
Please welcome Reverend Joseph Franz, Parochial Vicar, Family 15, to St. Mary's Faith Community! Fr. Joe will be celebrating all of the weekend Masses at St. Mary's Swormville th...

July 6, 2023
Congratulations to the young men who graduated from St. Mary School Swormville for achieving 4th Quarter Honor Roll at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute: Tyler Butch, Graham Tayl...

July 6, 2023
St. Mary's Church Swormville will host the 12th Annual Chowder Chase 5k Race/3k Walk on Saturday, July 22, at 7 PM.
The Chowder Chase is a Certified USATF course, NY22007J ....

June 28, 2023
Dear Parish Family,
This weekend I begin my ministry as Pastor of our family. While I wish I could be at all four parishes this weekend, that is not a miracle I capable of...

June 27, 2023
We are pleased to announce that the following students from Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart, who are members of St. Mary's Parish, have been named to the 4 th quarter 2022-23...

June 26, 2023
“Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Words from our Gospel today from the 10 th chapter of the Gospel a...

June 23, 2023
Consider This…
I’ve been thinking about this last Pastor’s column for some time and I’ve been trying to figure out what words to leave you with. And try as I might, everything...

June 21, 2023
Start up meetings have begun for St. Mary's Family Faith Formation Program for the 2023-2024 year. We invite families who are not enrolled in a Catholic school to register as so...

June 19, 2023
On this Juneteenth, we reflect on that pivotal moment in our nation’s history when people of African descent were proclaimed free in the land that had long enslaved them, denying ...

June 15, 2023
At this time of the year, many of us are celebrating (or we have celebrated at some point in our lives in our various social circles) a lot of graduations: Kindergarten, 8 th gra...

June 14, 2023
Thank you to all of our disciples who helped in any way for Saturday’s Day of Service. This year we gardened on our St. Mary's campus and at Brothers of Mercy and made Blessing B...

June 14, 2023
Friday, June 16, is the Solemnity of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Bishops of the United States (USCCB) are urging all faithful to pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Je...