Photo of Fr, Luke Uebler "Sunday Homilies"
photo of Fr. Luke Uebler-"Sunday Homilies"
"Holy week", picture of Jesus, cross thorns, eucharist
"Paschal Triduum" graphics with washing feet, crucifix, Christ's tomb
Photo of Fr. Luke - Sunday Homilies
Sign saying welcome to Spirit Day
RSVP by 4/3 for Auction
"Consider this... Holy Week"
Cover of Server of the Year program and medal
"consider this...Scrutinies, RCIA and Us" Cross and heart
"Oh the places you could go" on purple with white daisies
Jesus with cross "Consider this...Stations of the Cross
Buttons and screen shot of St. Mary's App
Award winner, Dick Marchessault, with Bishop Fisher
"Consider This... Catholic Charities, Hope for all Seasons"
Day of Mercy starts tonight at 7 PM
Picture of Fr. Luke, "Sunday Homilies, Fr. Luke Uebler"
Scouts and Counselors in group photo with Deacon and Father Luke
Coat of Arms with " In faithfulness and love"