Family reading together: mom, dad, 2 children
Priest at Altar
Life game tiles spell LIFE, "Consider this...the In-Between"
7 people smiling
Mass schedule for Ascension Holy Day
Girls team holding bee mascot
Priest giving first Communion to young boy
Fr Luke Uebler, Sunday Homilies
Photo of Mary Quinn
black and white interior of church, "Consider this... Built of Living Stones"
Jesus with a sheep, Consider this, the sheepfold
"Stellar Shine Jesus' Light"
Silent Auction Bidding is Open
"Live Auction, Bid to Win"
how to bid
Jesus walking with 2 men, "The Road to Emmaus"
"Silent Auction- Bid Online Friday, April 21"
Consider This... Divine Mercy Sunday
"You're Invited - Deadline 4/14 for Spring for Success"
Golf ball with St. Mary logo ans Golf tournament 5-19-23