February 10, 2023
This weekend we welcome Fr. Ryan Keating to St. Mary’s as he begins his priestly ministry. This is an exciting time for Fr. Ryan and for St. Mary’s because the gift of a new pries...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… Father’s Day and more!
Happy Father’s Day to all Father’s!!! The role of a father figure is so essential to our world and can’t be discounted or taken for grante...
February 10, 2023
Next Sunday our parish will be participating in the first annual Corpus Christi Procession. How do we witness as disciples and believers to Jesus? By bringing him into the world! ...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… Eating our way to heaven.
Is the Eucharist our favorite meal? Something about food is relatable. Food brings us nutrition, sustenance, life, pleasure, enjoyment,...
February 10, 2023
What could possibly renew the church? The Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit descending upon the Disciples in the upper room comes at a time in which the church was barely surviving. Th...
February 10, 2023
It is hard to believe that we are celebrating the last Sunday in the Easter Season already. Next week we celebrate Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. ...

February 10, 2023
Dear School Families and Parishioners,
With thanks to the parents, teachers, Board members, and administrators who collaborated with us to discern the appropriate path for lead...
February 10, 2023
This weekend we celebrate all Mother’s and the joy they bring to our lives and world. Last weekend we crowned our Blessed Mother on Saturday in a beautiful celebration as Mass beg...

February 10, 2023
St. Mary’s began their search for Karen Smaczniak’s replacement upon the announcement of her retirement as our Director of Faith Formation and Children’s Catechumen.
After inte...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… May, the Month of Mary!
As a parish of St. Mary’s, the month of May shares important significance for us as it is the month dedicated to the Blessed Mother. This...

February 10, 2023
Bishop Michael Fisher, Chair Rick Cronin, and Deacon Steve Schumer launched Appeal 2021 and announced the $10 million goal, as well as “HOPE for all Seasons” as the campaign th...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… What can’t you live without?
Congratulations to our young people who are continuing to receive their First Holy Communion. I am always inspired by our families j...
February 10, 2023
Karen Smaczniak announced her retirement in February of 2021 after thirty years with St. Mary’s as the Director of Family Faith.
It was 1988 when she started working here at St...

February 10, 2023
The St. Mary’s Chapel Bells rang again for the first time in many years on Easter Sunday after a special Restoration Project Fundraiser that collected over 30,000 from parishioner...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… Are you invested?
Christ is Risen!
Last weekend was a glorious weekend as we began our First Eucharist celebrations in the parish. Throughout the Easter Seaso...
February 10, 2023
April, 9, 2021
Happy Spring to All!
The Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP Welcome 2.0) Continuation Committee would like you to know that we are actively preparing for the next...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… Jesus I Trust in You!
Today concludes the octave of Easter, the eight great days in which we fully celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. At the conclusion of ...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… Better than alive and well!
Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
You will hear me say this for the duration of the Easter Season, and I hope you participate i...

February 10, 2023
March 22, 2021
My Dear Brothers in the Presbyterate, Deacons, Parish and Education Leaders and Friends –
Since the Road to Renewal initiative was launched last September, a ...
February 10, 2023
Consider this… Why is this week different?
Today we begin Holy Week. The question that should immediately come to our mind is what makes this week Holy and different from every...